Matthew 21:18-32, "The Need for Spiritual Food"
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“The Need for Spiritual Food”
begins the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The events of what we know as Holy Week are. Friday Evening. Jesus arrives at the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus ()
Saturday. Shabbat dinner where Mary anoints Jesus’ feet ()
Sunday. Triumphal entry (); Cleansing of the Temple; Return to Bethany ()
Monday. Cursing the fig tree; Enters the Temple and confronted by the chief priests ()
Tuesday. Confrontation with chief priests ()
Wednesday. Prophetic teaching on the Mount of Olives (); Judas betrays Jesus ()
Thursday. Passover meal (); Gethsemane and betrayal
Friday. Arrest, trial, and crucifixion
Sunday. Resurrection
I. The Fruitlessness of Israel –
A. The fig tree represented Israel
1. God expected the fruit of righteousness from the Jewish people –
2. The temple was all about business – no self-examination, no gratitude to God, no righteous character – ;
B. Jesus cursed the fig tree
1. Not out of anger
2. But as a picture of the curse upon the Jewish people for their idolatry
C. Yet in the midst of judgment – Jesus hears our prayers – ; ;
II. Whose Authority? –
A. The Sanhedrin
1. Think all authority comes from them
2. Who gave you authority to disrupt the Temple?
B. Answers with a question
1. Religious leaders are trapped
2. John condemned them – ;
III. The Obedient –
A. Does talking obedience make you obedient?
1. Knowledge puffs up
2. Love edifies –
B. Does initial refusal to obey
1. Result in being lost?
2. Repentance toward God and faith in Christ results in spiritual fruit –
How much of what I do is religious ritual and how much is done out of love and gratitude for the Lord? - Love the Lord with all your heart - .